2.05- 4.05.2022
During the training, the following sessions took place:
VISUAL METHODS, INTERACTIVE PRESENTATION, INTERACTIVE LECTURE and STRUCTURED DISCUSSION were used. The trainer presented different cases of human rights violation related to cultural diversity groups; using video displaying, the trainer invited the participants to a structure discussion related to them. An interactive presentation about the universality, inalienably and interdependence of human rights followed. The participants received handouts with UDHR. Using interactive presentation, the trainer introduced the main category of human rights – the civil, political, social, and cultural ones – and further explore them in relation with – racism, intolerance, discrimination toward different cultural minority groups
2nd part The Iceberg of Culture was presented and participants discussed about visible and invisible levels of it Using BRAINSTORMING and a flip chart the trainer and participants found out what are the cultural competencies necessary to be developed: CULTURAL AWARENESS ( developing the understanding of the differences between themselves and people from other cultures, subcultures or other backgrounds); ATTITUDES (to enable participants to examine their values and beliefs about cultural differences, valuing what other cultures/subcultures offer); KNOWLEDGE ( discussion on the topic Mainstream Culture and Subcultures) Trainer V2020 TOLERANCE AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY STORYBOARD – 4 ISLANDS- the participants formed 4 teams, each team representing an island, created by them following some instructions. 2 islands were evacuated due to flood. The inhabitants had to find place on the two other islands. They had to negotiate with each other. A discussion about integration process, future conflicts, their bases and peaceful solution followed. During debriefing the participants found examples form daily life for this situation focusing on questions such as: Why so difficult the integration? Need you give up your culture? Trainer ADI
SOCIODRAMA As a means of creatively working with some of the very difficult inter-group and intercultural dilemmas. Method – help participants to improve capacity, participants find themselves able to create new and workable solutions to what were old or intractable dilemmas Participants used role play, using a real-life experience of one of the group members. The comments after the first interaction were examples of a sociodramatic technique called doubling, which dramatically expresses what the main players may have thought but did not say Trainer WASLA
THEATER OF THE OPPRESSSD BY AUGUSO BOAL Using INTERACTIVE LECTURE, trainer presented some of the forms of Boal Theater: using the knowledge of participants they discussed about forum theater, invisible, statue, newspaper, social theater and how can be used in order to develop a culture of diversity Trainer ADI & BASD FORUM THEATER Methodology: Trainer presented the methodology; Trainer divided the actors/participants in 2 groups; each group had as tasks: Preparation part: Preparation of a short piece of theater on a situation of oppression related to discrimination, intolerance towards cultural diversity, stereotypes and as characters – oppressor, oppressed, their allies, neutral characters and a joker Theater part: Each group played their piece of theater in front of the other group which became their spect-actors. Forum part: The play was resumed and the audience becomes active: the spect-actors became actors: they had the possibility to change all the characters, except the oppressor to underline that in everyday reality oppression will not simply disappear but could be removed by changing attitudes towards the oppressor and towards the problem Trainers ADI & BASD
LIVING LIBRARY Place – the main street of Sofia. The role of librarians was played by two of the participants who invited passers-by to become “readers” The event was realized through cooperation and strong communication Titles of the books: German, Romanian, BME, Bulgarian, Catholic, Muslim, Orthodox, gay, rocker, Roma, migrant. Expected results – books belonging to diversity who were victims of intolerance, discrimination and exclusion gave to the readers a life lesson about respect and tolerance.
EVALUATION: Evaluation questionnaire ADDED VALUE -providing strategies, using non-formal methods of participative arts in a new approach to respect diversity